Most people are afraid of spiders. Even when we know they can’t hurt us, our feelings can range from dislike to outright terror. In Western Australia, there are hundreds of species of spiders. However, only a few really pose serious risks to humans and pets. In households, though, nobody wants to take any chances. If you live in Perth or the surrounding area, the moment someone is bitten, you know you have to call in spider pest control services in Perth.
Common types of spiders
Out of the many hundreds of spider species found in Western Australia, the following are the most common types:
- Redback spiders: These seem to prefer living near or around humans. Only the females bite, usually in self-defence or when disturbed. The males have fangs that cannot penetrate human skin.
- Trapdoor spiders: These are considered Old World or primitive spiders that are not aggressive at all despite their appearance. They spend most of their days quietly burrowing.
- Blackhouse spiders: These prefer to weave their webs near windows so they are also sometimes referred to as ‘window spiders.’ These hairy, timid spiders prefer to stay out of humans’ way. However, their bite may be painful and lead to nausea, vomiting and sweating.
- White-tailed spiders: These do not weave or build webs, and spend most of their days hunting for prey (insects and other spiders). White-tailed spider bites usually cause burning pain followed by swelling and itchiness.
- Daddy long-legs spiders: Believed to be the most popular spiders in the world, daddy-long-legs have a toxic venom. However, their fangs are not strong enough to penetrate human skin.
- Huntsman spiders: These ‘hairy, scary’ spiders usually live outdoors. They are nocturnal and can sometimes be seen indoors in search of food. They have been known to give painful bites, but nothing especially dangerous to humans.
- Wolf spiders: Lawn or garden wolf spiders are typically wandering arachnids who also sometimes burrow. They are not known to pose a real threat to humans, although there is one species whose bite has been known to cause skin lesions and infection.
- Garden spiders:These are known for building orb-shaped webs. They are considered generally harmless.
In this part of the country, only the redback spider is considered lethal, although no deaths caused by it have been reported since 1955.
Spider habitats
Spiders prefer to live in dry, dark places such as underneath roof gutters, tables, chairs and other furniture, inside window frames, and roof spaces. Web-making spiders like to stay in dark, dry corners, along clotheslines, bins, and fences and gates.
Those spiders which make webs do so as a way to trap their prey. They then use their venom to paralyse or kill their victim before feeding. Since spiders almost entirely live off insects, if you have a lot of them in your household, it means other insects have taken up residence in your home as well.
What to do with a spider bite
Spiders won’t bite unless disturbed or provoked. It’s important to know a bit of spider bite first aid in case you, or someone you know, is bitten:
- Soothe the area with a cloth moistened with cold water or filled with ice.
- Elevate the area if the bite is in the limbs (arm or leg).
- Ease the pain by taking pain medication if necessary.
- Call your healthcare provider if you require further medical attention.
If you suspect a spider infestation in or near your home…
Call Pesti Pest Control right away.
First, our pest control technicians will conduct a survey of your home and property to pinpoint areas of infestation. Next, we dust these areas, including roof voids where spiders tend to nest. We also apply residual spray on all external areas including gutters and eaves, around door frames and windows, along fence lines, and other places spiders are likely to settle in.
For effective household spider pest control and treatment, call in our experts at Pesti Pest Control – your trusted and reliable pest control service in the Perth area.