A flea can be small but it can also be a big nuisance and an even bigger health risk for your fur babies. “How do I get rid of fleas?” is a question every pet owner has asked his or her vet. Getting rid of these pesky bloodsuckers is not as easy and straightforward as you would like. Here’s the answer to the question: how do you get rid of fleas in your house and your pets?
Fleas: A Refresher
The first step in any pest removal is knowing what you’re dealing with. Fleas are small, reddish brown, shiny parasitic insects that can be found on the skin of pets. They might be small but they pack a big punch, skills-wise. They can jump more than a hundred times their own length. This allows them to travel from one host to another fairly easily and quickly.
They come into your home through your pets. They attach themselves to pets’ skin and coat, reproduce, and travel from one animal to another. This is what makes being an pest exterminator so hard. Preventing fleas is difficult and without an effective approach, an infestation is imminent.
How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs, Cats, and Your Home
- Regular Vet Checks – Ensure your pets are on a flea control program and are updated on their vaccinations and treatments.
- Regular Pet Inspection – Keep an eye out on your pet. Scratching and chewing on their skin more than usual is commonly the first signs of fleas. Hairloss and red irritated skin are the next signs of an infestation. Sometimes, you will actually see tiny brown dots quickly moving through their skin or you can see reddish brown dirt on their skin. Once you spot any of these signs, you can then treat and control. By treating and preventing flea infestations, you can significantly lowering the chances of a home infestation.
- Regular Pet Grooming – You can’t just get rid of the existing fleas; you have to know how to get rid of flea eggs, too. To do this, bathe your pets on a regular basis. Ask your vet about safe and effective products can protect them from pests, treat an infestation, and permanently break the flea lifecycle.
- Regular Indoor Cleaning – Clean everything inside: carpets, beds, crates, furniture, everything your pet touches or uses. Frequently vacuum the areas your pets hang out in and regularly wash their beds. Regular cleaning will not only kill existing fleas; it will also prevent them from reproducing.
- Regular Outdoor Cleaning – If your pets like certain outdoor areas, chances are, fleas like it there, too. Clean these areas up religiously.
- Professional Flea Control for Home – The best flea treatment is the one done by a trained pest control specialist. They can spray areas inside and outside the house to eliminate fleas and kill eggs. Ask with your vet which flea products are effective and safe for pets.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, an infestation still happens. When it does happen, what can you do? Be patient and follow the simple tips in this guide. Treating and preventing a infestation of fleas require time, effort, and patience. However, at the end of the day, our love for our furry babies make it worth it.