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How Many Legs Does A Millipede Have?

how to get rid of millipedes

Father millipede calls out to his son and asks, “Son, I need some salt right away. Could you go out and get some?” The young millipede answers, “Sure, dad, let me just put on my shoes.” Corny arthropod jokes aside, millipedes are so creepy, most people get creeped out just thinking about them. Here are some basic information about millipedes and, more importantly, how to get rid of millipedes. This is especially true in Perth, where all conditions are created for the life of millipedes.

Ask anyone and they would say millipedes have a thousand feet. After all the word “millipede” literally means 1000 feet. In reality, however, most of them have fewer than a hundred.

Talking Millipede: How Many Legs Does It Have and Other Fascinating Facts

Contrary to popular belief, millipedes are closer to lobsters than worms. Their bodies are round, segmented, and covered with a hard shell, because they are arthropods. The most common kind are the brown or black millipede.

Millipedes are nocturnal creatures and live in damp and dark areas because they need moisture to live. This is why they prefer living in damp basements, cellars, and under mulch, leaf piles, compost, etc. At night, when they’re most active; they feed on dead animals and plants. This process helps recycle nutrients back into the soil. However, they can also eat living plants and seedlings which can cause trouble in the garden. For this, you need some pest control spray to keep them at bay.

There are approximately 7000 kinds of millipedes known to man and they’re mostly harmless. In fact, they can be quite useful because they break dead plants down and can improve soil health. Although there’s little chance of a millipede biting you, they can cause eye and skin irritation.

Fun fact: The giant millipede from Africa can grow to up to 12 inches long.

Millipede Vs Centipede: How to Tell Them Apart

Although they are related; millipedes and centipedes are quite different.

Just by looking at them, you should be able to tell them apart immediately.  Millipedes are rounder while centipedes are more flat and elongated. Additionally, if you look closer, you’ll see that centipedes only have one pair of legs per segment. Millipedes, on the other hand, have 2 sets of legs on each segment.

You can also tell them apart through their movements. Centipedes run much faster than millipedes.

However, the most important difference between the two is in their bites. A centipede’s bite is painful and venomous. They can cause allergic reaction and, at times, more severe health issues. Millipede don’t bite humans but if threatened, they release a smelly fluid that can cause irritations.

How to Get Rid of Millipedes

Like all pest types, millipedes are a nuisance. They are also worrying in large numbers. They can also eat plants and seedlings that are still alive, ruining your garden. Many homes in Perth are infected with centipedes, which cause significant damage and are simply unpleasant.

The best way to keep them away and prevent infestations is to reduce moisture-rich areas around your home. Here are some things you can do:

  1. If you have a damp basement, use a dehumidifier.
  2. Mow your lawn often so the grass will not retain moisture.
  3. Water plants in the morning so they are completely dry at night.
  4. Get rid of grass trimmings and leaf piles.
  5. Store firewood properly and a height.

If none of these methods work and you suspect you have an infestation; calling a company with professional pest control training is good option. Most treatments begin with an inspection. Based on the results, they will then prescribe the best prevention or treatment plan and pest control supplies to tackle your millipede problem in Perth.

Armed with this knowledge, you can make (and keep!) your home millipede-free.

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